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Suffering from depression, anxiety, pain, and/or insomnia? May 10th, 2022

Suffering from depression, anxiety, pain, and/or insomnia?  Patients are not alone in this, as of 2020, 21 million US adults suffered from depression according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Anxiety is also a concern for 3.1% of Americans[1] and fifty million US adults deal with chronic pain[2] and...

Chelation May 7th, 2022

What is it and why is it necessary? Let’s answer the first question of ‘what is it’? Chelation is the process of removing heavy metals from the body. Metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium (and others) are abundant in our society. They can be in the air we breathe,...

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Lyme Disease May 5th, 2022

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is growing in popularity all over the world. With its tremendous health benefits and healing advantages, HBOT has been used for patients with non-healing wounds, fibromyalgia, cerebral palsy, dementia, chronic illnesses, inflammatory bowel disease, plastic surgery recovery, chronic inflammation, and much more. It’s a non-invasive and innovative...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as Fibromyalgia Treatment Jan 3rd, 2022

An overview of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Fibromyalgia In order to understand how hyperbaric oxygen therapy works, we need to understand the body’s natural circulation process. Our heart pumps blood into our lungs. Oxygen is then inhaled and attaches itself to our red blood cells. As our blood circulates, the...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Cerebral Palsy Dec 29th, 2021

In developing nations especially, birth defects such as Cerebral Palsy are common and untreatable. Millions of people are unable to perform even simple tasks and are unable to join the workforce or be of any use to society through no fault of their own. What if there was a way...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Dementia Dec 23rd, 2021

As we age, our brain’s cognitive functions start to decline and if we’re not careful, could even develop into Alzheimer’s or Vascular Dementia. Once diagnosed, these conditions are chronic and cannot be cured by medication or treatment. This is why many people have started to take on healthier habits to...

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Covid-19 Dec 12th, 2021

Two years into the COVID-19 crisis While there have been a lot of developments in terms of prevention and treatment, more cases and new strains of the virus are still popping up. Despite mass vaccinations, stay-at-home orders, and cities going into lockdown, it seems the virus is here to stay....

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Stem Cells Dec 3rd, 2021

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Stem Cells As the study of health and medicine progresses, we are learning more and more that healthy cells mean a healthy body. Apart from taking care of the body as a whole, it is highly recommended to take care of each of our parts internally, from...

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Safe for Children? Nov 26th, 2021

63% of Americans claim to have started new health practices since March 2020, when COVID-19 started to spread. This shows that survey respondents started to add year-long priority to their health due to the pandemic.  Many people turn to fitness routines, eating healthier, and taking supplements to boost the immune...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Improves Cognitive Function Nov 20th, 2021

Hyperbaric Oxygen improves cognitive function Our brains are responsible for both our physical and mental health – sending signals throughout our body in order to function properly. Cognitive performance is extremely important for a long, quality life and many people turn to supplements and practices that keep the brain healthy....

Hyperbaric Oxygen as Possible Therapy Choice for Infertility Treatment Nov 15th, 2021

Hyperbari Oxygen Therapy and Infertility While having children by the early twenties was the norm a decade ago, a lot more women are having kids in their early to mid thirties nowadays. While there are a lot of perks to women having babies later in life, a growing concern is...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as treatment for nerve healing Nov 7th, 2021

Healing nerve damage and Hyperbaric Oxygen In this blog, we discuss how hyperbaric oxygen can contribute to the healing and repair of nerve damage, even years after the initial injury. Our nervous system is crucial for all our bodily functions. It regulates our breathing, controls our muscles, senses heat and...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Tinnitus and Sensorineural Hearing Loss Oct 29th, 2021

In the world of modern medicine, people are constantly looking for a solution to health problems or simply want to find ways to prolong their lives. Apart from living longer lives, many of us aim to live with more energy, strength, and resilience. Modern science has made it possible for...

Inflammation Prevention with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Oct 21st, 2021

Inflammation is a biological process that our body uses to respond to infection. Whenever a cell becomes damaged, the immune system triggers an inflammatory response by releasing cytokine molecules. This response is characterized by five primary signs; redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function, and although this reaction can help...

Learn the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy Oct 14th, 2021

Many people think that the best way to increase athletic performance levels and gain strength is by grinding it out at the gym and coming back tomorrow with a more strenuous workout than yesterday. Despite this common belief, there is much evidence suggesting that doing so will leave a person...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Post-Stroke Recovery Oct 4th, 2021

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment aids in the recovery of many types of injuries and illnesses – one of which is a stroke.  Hyperbaric oxygen as a form of post-stroke therapy is not widely known, but we have done two separate studies that account for its effectiveness during recovery. The first study explores...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Powerful Anti-aging Treatment Sep 28th, 2021

For much of human history, the causes and mechanisms behind the process of aging have mainly been in the dark, but science and medicine are finally catching up. Recent studies have not only begun unlocking the secrets of why we age but are also beginning to develop anti-aging treatments to...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment Sep 22nd, 2021

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disorder that involves swelling in the digestive tract. The exact cause of inflammatory bowel disease remains unknown. Unhealthy eating habits and excessive stress were once thought to be the culprit, but these days, doctors recognize them only as aggravating factors to an already underlying...